The Suffolk Pension Board consists of six members, three Pension Fund employer representatives (one each representing the County Council, other local government employers and other employers) and three Pension Fund member representatives (one each representing current active members, retired members and trade unions).

The current board members are:

Cllr Richard Smith (Chairman)

Suffolk County Council Councillor
Representing Suffolk County Council

Pauline Bacon (Vice Chair)

Employed by Suffolk County Council
Representing the unions

Kay Davidson

Employed by East Suffolk                              Representing active scheme members

Ian Blofield

Employed by Ipswich Borough Council
Representing other local government

Richard Blackwell

Representing retired scheme members

Thomas Jarrett

Employed by John Milton Academy Trust
Representing all other employers


Upcoming Meeting Dates:

Wednesday 16th October 2024

Wednesday 4th December 2024

Friday 7th March 2025


The Agenda Report Pack and Minutes can be accessed below.