Here you will find relevant forms for LGPS employers, as well as useful links and information for employers regarding employee eligibility.
Here you will find relevant forms for LGPS employers, as well as useful links and information for employers regarding employee eligibility.
The Suffolk Pension Fund liaises with over 300 Employers and is here to support those Employers to help them understand and fulfil their roles and responsibilities.
The Administration Strategy sets out the quality and performance standards for both the Suffolk Pension Fund and Employers in the scheme. It seeks to promote good working relationships, improve efficiency and enforce quality amongst these parties.
This strategy is an agreement between Suffolk Pension Fund and all participating Employers and details the key responsibilities of each and the deadlines for when those responsibilities should be met.
As an employer in the fund, it is your responsibility to ensure that members to the scheme are eligible to join and have completed the appropriate forms.
To check that your employees are eligible to join the scheme please check here.
Forms for joining the scheme can be found below:
Elect to Join the 50/50 Section
Elect to Re-Join the Main Section of LGPS
Leaving the Fund
It is the employer’s responsibility to inform us when a member has left the fund by completing a leaver form.
If you submit monthly employee data please complete the i-connect form, otherwise please complete the other form.
Actuarial Valuation
The Pension Fund carries out an actuarial valuation every 3 years. The purpose is to review the current funding plans and set the contribution rates for participating Employers. The last valuation took place as at 31 March 2022 setting the contribution rates for the period from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2026.
The Funding Strategy Statement sets out the Fund's approach to calculating contribution rates and how liabilities will be managed and met in the long term.
The Valuation Report summarises the outcomes of the valuation and the contribution rates for each Employer.
Annual Employers Meeting
An annual employers' forum is held annually which covers areas which are significant to the employers for the year and provides the opportunity for employers to raise questions.
The Pension Fund held its Annual Employers Meeting on 10 December 2024, covering an update on the Performance and Investments of the Fund and the 2024 actuary update.
The Presentations can be found by clicking on the links below
To watch the meeting recording from December 2024 please contact us
Please contact us if you cannot find the information you are looking for.